my photos are in the form of unix executive files on a CD, How can I convert them back into photo format so that I can view the pictures?
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OS X recognizes any file that does not have an official extension that came from a foreign source oddly. To fix this, start by going to the Finder menu in the menubar in the Finder. Go to Preferences, then go to Advanced. Tell it to “Show all file extensions”. Close it, and drag the pictures from the CD to the Desktop. Press return to edit the filename of a selected picture. Do you remember the original format? If so, here’s a quick guide:
– If it is .png, type in “your-picture-name.png”.
– If it is .jpg, type in “your-picture-name.jpg”.
– If it is .tiff, type in “your-picture-name.tiff”.
– Or any other format they were saved in…
Hopefully, you get the picture. 🙂
If the Finder asks if you want to change the file extension, tell it you want to.
Hopefully, this should solve your dilemna. 🙂